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Cosmosphere To Be More Family Friendly Thanks to Sunderland Foundation Gift

Thanks to a gift of $500,000 from the Sunderland Foundation of Kansas City, the Cosmosphere will be a more welcoming place for families with young children in 2020.

According to the Cosmosphere, the Sunderland Foundation’s gift will fund the CosmoKids Discovery Area of the Hall of Space at the world-renowned science education center and space museum.

“We are eager to begin construction on CosmoKids this fall and hope to have it open early in 2020,” said Cosmosphere CEO Jim Remar. “The area will include STEM-based interactives and space where families can learn through interacting together or children can enjoy supervised play time while older family members enjoy the museum.”

The gift follows $500,000 from the Sunderland Foundation to the Revitalization Campaign in 2017 and brings the total campaign funds raised to $4.3 million toward a goal of $7.4 million.

“Our family is very proud the Cosmosphere is in Kansas,” said Kent Sunderland, President and Trustee of the Sunderland Foundation. “We want it to continue to thrive and enrich the lives of visitors from around the world. We are especially happy to support CosmoKids and to bring STEM experiences to even the youngest Cosmosphere visitors.”

“We are grateful for the generosity of the Sunderland Foundation Trustees and their sincere interest in Kansas,” said Remar. “Thanks to their commitment, we are more than halfway toward the goal of a revitalized Cosmosphere experience that is more relevant to visitors for generations to come.”

For more information, please contact Cosmosphere CEO Jim Remar at jimr@cosmo.org, or call 620.665.9335.