The Planetarium is currently closed for maintenance – all other venues are open.
Sun-Thurs: 10am / 2pm / 4pm / 6pm
Fri-Sat: 10am / 2pm / 4pm / 6pm
For over a hundred years, dinosaurs have inspired and thrilled audiences, commanding blockbuster status in museums and at the box office. But among them towers a king — a tyrant lizard king. With leaps in CGI wizardry and revolutions in tyrannosaur paleontology over the past twenty-five years, the time has come to revisit Rex in the world’s prestigious museum cinemas.
PLEASE NOTE: Times are subject to change. It is best to call our Box Office, 800.397.0330 x312, for current showtimes for the date you wish to visit. (This policy does not apply to prescheduled school groups.)