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Earth V the International Space Station Agriculture Contest

Grow your way to Cosmosphere Aerospace Camp!

Students fourth through twelfth grades are invited to take on the ISS in a competition to grow the most food within a one cubic meter garden space.

A winner from each grade category below receives a camp package for 2019 summer camp season and will be recognized at the Cosmosphere this fall.

Going into 4th – 6th Grade

Going into 7th – 8th Grade

Going into 9th – 12th Grade

Contest starts May 1 and runs through September 30, 2018.

We will be sharing our results with our Kansas Astronaut Col. Nick Hague while he is on the ISS!

How It Works: Any student who wants to participate needs to carefully read the rules, set-up their garden, collect the required data, and turn in all results to the Cosmosphere at education@cosmo.org on or before September 30, 2018. 

Click here to download the Space Ag Contest rules and entry form!

Frequently Asked Questions

No. All of the growing area including roots and plant must remain inside the cubic meter area.

Yes. You can plant any combination of plants you chose.

No. It may be above and can be natural such as sunlight or you can use a grow light.

No. It can be any shape as long as the total volume is only one cubic meter.

Yes. It does not have to be a closed system.  You may use water as you wish.  (Don’t tell our astronaut friends!)  Since the system does not have to be closed, water will be lost depending on wind and heat so we are not limiting how much water can be used.

No. You just need to measure and make sure the growing area (roots and plant) are all within a cubic meter volumetric area.

Yes. Any light source is acceptable.

Yes, the entire plant including any leaves and roots, are included and must be inside of the cubic meter area.