The Planetarium is currently closed for maintenance – all other venues are open.

X-Plane Gallery with people


August Is Cosmosphere Member Month

August is all about Cosmosphere Members:
(The best ever!)

Join us for these exclusiveCosmosphere Members Only events:

All Month: Enjoy a 20% discount at the Cargo Bay Gift Store

Thursday, Aug. 2, 6:00-8:00 pm: Dinner under the Blackbird with Col. Buz Carpenter and Col. Joe Kinego, retired USAF command pilots and instructors for the SR-71.  $20 per person + cash bar. RSVP here by July 27.

Thursday, Aug. 16, 5:30-7:00 pm: “Nazi V-Weapons at Peenemunde: A Menacing Intel Problem Set”, a lecture by Scott McIntosh, Asst. Professor of Strategic Intelligence, Newman University. The Cosmosphere has one of the few complete sets of V-weapons on display!

For more information or to make a reservation for either event,call 800-397-0330 ext. 320 or email

PLUS! When members visit the Cosmosphere during August, enter into a drawing for two tickets to the Earthrising Gala on Dec. 1, 2018!